The agent that
helps rewards works for
you as a tenant

Our aim is to make renting your next home easy and fair. Give our award winning team a chance to impress you.

Our team prioritises responsive, personalised service and is dedicated to ensuring that every tenant feels valued and supported.

We understand the importance of a home that feels safe, comfortable, and well-maintained, which is why we offer round-the-clock maintenance support and swift resolution of any issues that arise.

Our proactive approach to communication and our regular property inspections are designed to maintain the highest standards of living and tenant satisfaction.

At The Letting Station, your well-being is our top priority, and we strive to create positive and enduring relationships with all our tenants.


Everyone want a clean, well maintained property to call home and that is why we pride ourselves on providing good quality housing stock for tenants.

We want to keep things as simple and efficient as possible so reporting any maintenance issues is super simple.
Step 1 Open Up Your App
Step 2 Pick the maintenance type from the list
Step 3 Follow the self help tips and if they cant help just upload photos and the description and hit send
Step 4 Wait for the maintenance to team to process the job and provide updates, which are all visible on your app 24/7

Any problems once reported are addressed in a timely fashion and we are convinced we offer some of the best properties that Cardiff has to offer.

Kind Words

Could we be your next Letting Agent?


With the cost of renting rising, finding a bond can be difficult.
But we have a solution with Bond Buffer our bond replacement scheme.

Our insurance scheme allows you to move in for a fraction of the cost and the policy lasts the lifetime of the tenancy, no renewal costs unlike similar policies that are available.
Ask our letting team about Bond buffer and move in for less!



As a general rule all our properties have the equivalent of 5 weeks rent secured as a bond. To work this out just multiply the monthly rent by 12 and then divide by 52 weeks and multiple that by 5.
Since 6th April 2007 we have been required to comply with tenancy deposit protection legislation. All our bonds are secured in a government approved custodial deposit scheme, My Deposits.
Yes we offer Bond Buffer, a policy that allows you to secure and move into a property with lower costs. You pay one cost that lasts for your whole tenancy, so no annual charges like some similar products that are available.
We will come to inspect the property taking into account the length of time you have been there. We will be in touch to explain any deductions and talk to you about this before processing any claim against you bond. Once agreed your bond will be refunded back into your account within a few days. If there is a dispute this will be resolved by an independent adjudicator whose decision is final.


Your occupation contract (tenancy) is a legally binding contract and needs to be fully understood as you are bound by the terms contained in it. As a general rule though we want you to treat the property as if it was your own, look after it and report any maintenance issues promptly to avoid unnecessary damage. Be aware things like the garden for example are all part of your responsibility, so keeping them tidy and well kept is essential if you expect your bond to be returned to you at the end of the contract.
When moving out of the property you need to leave it in a good condition. We expect the property to be cleaned to a professional standard. An end of tenancy clean is a common deduction, as are oven cleans and rubbish removal. Don't forget leaving items behind means someone with a waste removal license has to do it and this can be expensive. Windows, the garden and all aspects of the property need to be ready for the next tenant to move in or a deduction is inevitable. Our move out checklist will help you avoid this and will be part of your move in pack.
Our team are here to help! If there is a problem with the property we want to know straight away and have an app or email address to contact with the problem ([email protected]). If your circumstance changes please don't worry as we may be able to help, often we know too late and things become so bad we cannot do anything but keeping us informed may make the difference. We are not here to judge and we will help wherever we can.


Generally most bills are not included although this does depend on the specific property. When bills are including this will be clearly stated on all advertising.
There is no exact answer for this and this will be different depending on the property. Council Tax - The average cost of council tax is £1777, around £150 per month and there is a 25% single person discount available. Students, providing you have the necessary proof are exempt. Water - The average yearly bill is £419 which equates to £35 per month. For apartments, check as some will include water as part of the blocks supply. Gas and Electric - With the rise in energy costs the average annual energy bill is £2500 or £208 a month. These are only to give you an idea but for any affordability advice call the office.
Of course you can choose the best deal or provider that meets your needs. Ask one of our team as we often get exclusive discounts from energy suppliers so it may save you even more.
As your agent we will inform both the council for council tax and water for you. we do not generally do this for electricity and gas as often tenants will switch providers and we are not informed. Our inventory clerk will put your meter readings onto your inventory so that you can make a fresh account with your provider of choice. If you do not or have not heard from council tax or water then we would suggest you also make contact to avoid a large unpaid bill running up.
For council tax and as long as the property is inhabited with all students, then, yes you are exempt from council tax, but would need to provide proof of your student status for everyone that will be living at the property.


If affordability is tight or your credit file does not meet the requirements then we may ask you for a guarantor. Put simply the guarantor is someone that agrees to pay your rent if you fail to do so. The guarantor will need to be a home owner and understand that if you fail to pay then they will have to pay or end up in court.
There are a few reasons we may ask for a guarantor listed below: You are a student You are unemployed You are an international visitor You have bad credit We look at this on a case by case basis and so not all the above will apply.